ERP changeover as of 01.10.2024
In order to continue to meet the needs of the market in the future, COT Computer OEM Trading GmbH will carry out an extensive ERP changeover on 1 October 2024.
Despite careful planning and extensive testing, the changeover will challenge the entire organisation and is unlikely to take place without disrupting workflows and processes.
Despite the intensive preparations, we expect delayed response times on our part during the changeover phase. We will do everything we can to minimise the impact on our customers. If, despite all our efforts, you are confronted with inadequacies during the changeover period, we would ask you to contact us. One possible effect could be, for example, delayed goods issues.
In the event of critical requirements, please set up a corresponding safety stock in your warehouse in advance (additional order quantity before ERP introduction on 1 October 2024).
Please understand that a direct EDI connection will not yet be available from 1 October 2024. We will inform you separately as soon as this is possible in the new ERP environment.