Whistleblower protection system - COT complaints centre
At COT Computer OEM Trading (hereinafter referred to as COT), compliance with legal regulations, internal rules, the principles of our Code of Conduct, i.e. our own company code and also the COT Supplier Code, has top priority.
The success of our company is based on integrity and compliance. In order to live up to this claim, it is important to learn of possible misconduct by our own employees or those of our suppliers and to prevent it. The COT reporting centre therefore operates an independent, impartial and confidential whistleblower system:
The whistleblower system is GDPR-compliant and fulfils regulatory requirements for whistleblower protection based on the German Whistleblower Protection Act and the current EU Whistleblower Directive. In addition, we also comply with the complaints procedure under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, although we do not fall within the direct scope of this law.
An important pillar of our whistleblower system is the principle of fair proceedings. It guarantees the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, those affected and employees who are involved in investigating the reported misconduct. This also means that we offer options for anonymous reporting and communication. We ensure that we do not take any measures to identify anonymous whistleblowers who do not abuse our whistleblowing system. Discrimination against whistleblowers and all persons who contribute to investigations at COT will not be tolerated. Those affected are presumed innocent until the offence is proven. Investigations are conducted with the utmost confidentiality. The information is processed in a fair, fast and protected procedure.
Qualified and experienced staff at the COT Reporting Centre thoroughly check all reports for potential breaches of regulations by COT employees and systematically investigate them. You will first receive a confirmation of receipt. The COT Reporting Centre staff will then assess your report. Only if this leads to an initial suspicion of a potential breach of rules will a suitable investigation unit be commissioned to investigate the case. The COT Reporting Centre then evaluates the results of the investigation and, if misconduct is found, issues a suitable sanction recommendation. You will be informed immediately about the processing status* of your report and the outcome of a possible investigation.
Potential violations of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners, including serious risks and human rights and environmental violations by direct and indirect suppliers, can also be reported to the COT Reporting Centre. This also applies to other reports that require immediate action by the company. The COT Reporting Centre informs the responsible departments, which process the matter accordingly. This includes, in particular, measures required to minimise or end violations and/or risks.
Submit a report to our whistleblower system
Online reporting channel
https://cot.integrityline.com to contact the COT reporting and complaints centre in different languages. The system is confidential and protected.
Post and in person
Postal address:
Compliance Department
Güterstraße 5
64807 Dieburg
Dieburg, Germany
In person: Please make an appointment in advance via:
+49 – 6071-927-0
Documents to download:
Hinweise zum Datenschutz im Hinweisgebersystem der Computer OEM Trading GmbH
Ziel- und Anwendungsbereich Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz (HinSchG)