Our mission statement

You can't achieve a goal without a good plan. COT has been operating successfully in a dynamic market for over 45 years. We have seen many trends come and go, and of course many have stayed the same. But one thing has always been important to us - to look far ahead with a clear strategy and to act according to our firm values. This is how we provide orientation and foresight in an increasingly digital world.

Mission statement – What are we here for?

We offer innovative and fully integrated complete solutions for labeling, recording and identification throughout the entire material flow. In doing so we always pursue the goal of making our customers more successful - continuously and sustainably. In the context of increasing digitalization, we give companies the absolute certainty of transforming their material flow in a future-proof way.

Vision statement – Where do we want to go?

We give companies orientation and perspective in an ever faster changing and digitalized world. With our solution concepts we offer maximum sustainability. We are valued throughout the market as leading European experts.

Our values – what we act on?

We want to be a reliable partner for our customers, suppliers and employees who acts transparently and comprehensibly. That is why we are guided by values that are particularly important to us.

We are!

From our experience to strong, innovative and sustainable solutions - we are reliable and offer a great added value through our competence and the exchange with our customers at eye level.

Our experience is the result of over 47 years in the market and more than 2000 active customer relationships. Our team consists of experts for all industries who apply their specific knowledge in a targeted manner for the success of our customers. Thanks to our experience COT solutions are more mature and implementations are more needs-oriented than those of the competition. We pass on our experience - externally to our customers and internally to our employees.

Our products and solutions are geared towards the individual requirements of our customers - our focus here is on sensible implementation. If new requirements arise during the project, these are solved quickly and flexibly. Our solution strength also includes our claim to make companies more successful and competitive through COT solutions.

For us innovation means developing cutting-edge solutions and thus positioning our customers for the future. To ensure this, we work closely with our manufacturers and suppliers and are constantly exchanging and building up knowledge. Innovation is not an end in itself, but is always geared towards customer and market requirements.

For us, sustainability is one of our guiding principles. We apply this consistently to our products and solutions as well as to our business activities. In doing so, we conscientiously consider economic and ecological factors - for our customers, for the environment and for ourselves.

We see ourselves as partners at eye level. A partnership creates synergies in cooperation that go far beyond a classic service provider relationship. For us, this includes not only respect, curiosity and a desire to innovate, but also the absolute aspiration to create an optimal solution. A partnership creates real added value!

Our competence is the sum of our experience, industry-specific know-how and expertise. It is one of the key cornerstones of our partnership-based customer relationships at eye level. We are competent in everything we do! We maintain and build up our expertise in a targeted manner - through knowledge sharing, further education, training and education.

Our long-standing tradition has resulted in resilient and stable structures. Our business activities are not only driven by short-term results but are also geared towards long-term goals. This guarantees our customers and employees a reliable and binding partner and thus creates clear planning security. The result are sustainable customer- and employee relationships.